Lakeford School has been privileged to be the first among the 450 schools selected all over India for setting up the ATL. The 1500sq.ft.air-conditioned lab with adequate storage facility, internet connectivity audio-visual facilities, areas for collaborative group work, area for lecture setting, work stations, security systems, is equipped with
- Robotic kits
- Electronic development equipment
- Internet of things, equipment and sensors
- Mechanical and electrical equipment and measurement tools
- Rapid prototyping including 3D printer etc.
Computer education is a compulsory subject for all students from class I onwards. Educational software is used by all teachers to make learning simple, easy and interesting to comprehend and the faculty had access to using it.
The school has a well-stocked library having a collection of ten thousand books ranging from fiction, non-fiction, reference books, magazines and dailies.
Sports room houses all the necessary equipment such as basketballs, volleyballs, cricket bats, balls and gears, badminton racket, recreation games accessories and so on.
A fleet of 28 school buses fly within a radius of 30km. Each bus has a support staff and teachers ensuring the safety of the students.